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Case Studies

With more years of experience than we would like to admit, we have lots of successful projects under our belt. Check out some of our most recent below.

Proven Strategies

Proven Strategies

Explore our collection of tried-and-true digital marketing strategies, backed by data, to help your business thrive online.

Certified Experts

Certified Experts

Benefit from our certified professionals, equipped with the knowledge and skills to optimise your digital marketing efforts.

Guaranteed Results

Guaranteed Results

Experience the difference with our guarantee of delivering impressive results, combining expertise, innovation, and tailored digital marketing strategies.

Total Bathrooms

About the Client:

Total Bathrooms is a comprehensive bathroom solution provider, offering a full-service package deal for homeowners and contractors. They cater to all bathroom renovation needs, from supplying a diverse range of high-quality products and accessories to professional installation services and complete suite sales.

Case Study:

Total Bathrooms wanted to optimise its online advertising to reach its target audience more effectively and generate more conversions at a lower cost. We set a strategic Google Ads campaign in motion, which focused on the following:

  • Keyword Refinement: We carefully selected highly relevant keywords with strong search intent to ensure the ads reached users actively looking for bathroom renovation services or products.
  • Audience Targeting: We focused on precisely targeting homeowners and contractors to maximise ad relevance and user engagement.
  • Campaign Optimisation: We continuously adjusted the ad copy and budget allocation to achieve optimal performance.

The results were impressive. Within the last 30 days (as of April 2024), Total Bathrooms achieved a remarkable 68 conversions with a cost-per-conversion as low as £1.04. This case study demonstrates the power of optimised Google Ads in driving conversions and maximising return on investment.

Mr Digital

About Us:

Mr Digital isn't just another digital marketing agency; we're your data-driven partner for achieving maximum online potential. We're passionate about client success and fuel your growth through results-focused marketing strategies. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a global brand, our team empowers you to navigate the digital landscape and create winning strategies.

Case Study:

Since the March 2024 core update, Mr Digital has successfully tripled (300% increase) its organic traffic. Here's how we achieved this:

  • Content Quality & Relevance: We meticulously enhanced content to better align with user intent, ensuring it delivers genuine value to searchers, a key Google ranking factor.
  • Enhanced Website Usability: We also Improved navigation, mobile-friendliness, and page loading speed, as these are crucial elements for a user-friendly website and strong SEO performance.
  • Content Refresh: Older content was updated to reflect current information and trends, keeping our website fresh and relevant in the eyes of search engines and users.
  • Technical SEO Optimisation: Lastly, we addressed technical SEO issues like schema markup, metadata, and internal linking. This ensures Google can efficiently crawl and index our website, making our content readily discoverable on search engine results pages.

This case study demonstrates Mr Digital's expertise in maximising organic traffic through strategic SEO optimisation. We're committed to continuous improvement and leveraging data-driven insights to deliver exceptional results for ourselves and our clients.

South East Enforcement

About the Client:

South East Enforcement, a London-based bailiff and enforcement company, provides a comprehensive range of services to landlords and businesses. Their expertise covers commercial rent recovery, lease forfeitures, evictions (including handling tenants, squatters, and travellers), and security services. They cater to clients facing property possession challenges and commercial rent arrears.

Case Study:

South East Enforcement partnered with Mr Digital to improve lead generation through their website. We achieved a remarkable 40% increase in contact form submissions by implementing strategic contact form optimisations. Here's a breakdown of our approach:

  • Enhanced Credibility: Testimonials and trust signals were placed near the contact forms, fostering trust and encouraging potential clients to take the next step.
  • Data-Driven Refinement: Using A/B testing, we continuously evaluated and optimised every aspect of the forms, from layout to submit button colour. This data-driven approach identified the most effective combinations to maximise form submissions.
  • Improved User Experience: We then focused our efforts on improving page loading speed on pages with forms. Faster loading times enhance user engagement and reduce bounce rates.
  • Streamlined Forms: Simplifying the contact forms by minimising the number of required fields also ensured a quicker and easier user experience, encouraging form completion.
  • Strategic Placement: We ensured optimal visibility by placing the forms prominently on key website pages, including the homepage and main service pages, making them easily accessible to potential clients.

This case study exemplifies the power of meticulously optimised contact forms in lead generation. Through a combination of building trust, data-driven refinement, and user experience improvements, South East Enforcement significantly increased qualified leads and streamlined its client acquisition process.


About the Client:

The Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS) serves as a pivotal support organisation for individuals facing circumstances that render them vulnerable in their interactions with companies and organisations. As a non-profit entity, VRS offers a unique value proposition – ensuring that the vulnerabilities of individuals are recognised and considered, paving the way for more compassionate and tailored service provision.

Their innovative pilot program, which has seen a launch in several UK regions, is particularly noteworthy. It affords VRS members access to a suite of essential services, some at no charge and others at discounted rates, specifically designed to support vulnerable households.

Case Study:


The primary aim was to cast a spotlight on VRS’s pilot program and attract new participants through a strategic Facebook Ads campaign. The mission was twofold: to elevate the program's profile and to encourage sign-ups, thereby extending the support network for vulnerable groups within the community.


To achieve these aims, a multi-faceted approach was employed. Creative assets were developed to strike a chord with the target audience, emphasising the benefits and support available through the VRS program. A targeting strategy was then implemented to reach individuals who would most likely benefit from registering with VRS, with a special focus on regions where the pilot program was being introduced.


The campaign was executed over three months, with Facebook's robust targeting capabilities leveraged to reach the intended audience. Ads were crafted to be engaging and informative, ensuring that the core message of VRS was communicated effectively. Real-time performance tracking was a crucial component, allowing for ongoing optimisation throughout the campaign's lifecycle.


  • Unique Visitors: An increase of 242%, highlighting a successful reach to a broader audience.
  • Unique Conversions: Achieved over 2,100 first-time registrations, marking a 703% increase.
  • Total Conversions: Surpassed 3,000, indicating strong engagement with the campaign.
  • Conversion Rate: A spike of 134%, demonstrating the campaign's effectiveness in converting interest into action.


The campaign delivered a substantial impact, significantly boosting VRS's visibility and expanding its reach to vulnerable individuals who can benefit from its services. The exceptional increase in unique visitors and conversions is a testament to the campaign's effectiveness and VRS's commitment to supporting those in need.

Buildcraft Solutions

About the Client:

BuildCraft Solutions Ltd, hailing from the vibrant city of Brighton, East Sussex, is a construction enterprise steered by the experienced Pavel Holderik. With over 15 years of industry experience, BuildCraft Solutions is known for its bespoke kitchen fittings sourced from leading brands. Their portfolio is a testament to their expertise in a comprehensive suite of building services, encompassing planning, design, construction, and project management. The hallmark of their service is an unwavering dedication to quality, meticulous attention to detail, and a personalised approach, guaranteeing utmost client satisfaction.

The cornerstone of their business model is a focused, one-job-at-a-time policy, ensuring that each project is given the undivided attention it deserves, completed with utmost efficiency and causing minimal disruption. With services ranging from full kitchen refurbishments to extensive building works and renovations, BuildCraft Solutions tailors its offerings to the unique needs of each client. Their commitment to combining high-calibre services with competitive pricing, underpinned by a team skilled in sourcing and installing components from the finest brands, positions them as the go-to for Brighton residents in pursuit of superior building solutions.

Case Study:

For BuildCraft Solutions, the launch of their new website marked the beginning of a strategic journey to amplify their online presence. In six months, our digital marketing initiatives have borne fruit, as evidenced by the influx of online traffic and lead generation:

  • A welcoming of 673 new visitors to the website, reflecting a growing interest in the BuildCraft brand and services.
  • Pageviews nearly hit the 800 mark, indicating strong user engagement with the site's content.
  • Secured 9 solid leads, a noteworthy accomplishment for a website in its nascent stages.

These milestones, achieved within a relatively short time frame, demonstrate the effectiveness of a well-crafted digital strategy, even for a brand-new digital presence in the competitive construction industry. The trajectory of growth observed lays a promising foundation for BuildCraft Solutions’ online future.

Bathroom Eleven

About the Client:

Bathroom Eleven, a distinguished provider of bespoke bathroom and kitchen design and installation services, stands out for its commitment to personalisation and efficient work.

They specialise in crafting unique, client-focused experiences, offering services that include free design consultations, detailed interior surveys, and the creation of 3D design mockups.

Their approach is tailored to each client's specific needs, ensuring a seamless journey from the initial concept to the final installation. Bathroom Eleven's dedication to excellence extends beyond the completion of a project, as it also provides comprehensive aftercare services, solidifying its reputation as a provider that truly values customer satisfaction and quality.

Case Study:

Bathroom Eleven partnered with us in 2021, embarking on a journey to enhance its digital presence and reach. Throughout our collaboration, they have seen remarkable growth in their online metrics.

Key Achievements:

  • Referring Domains: Grew from 93 to over 1200, significantly expanding their digital footprint and online authority.
  • Organic Traffic: Increased from an average of 149 to over 500 new visitors, indicating a substantial rise in online visibility and user engagement.

Strategies Implemented:

  • E-E-A-T Compliance: Ensured the website adhered to Google's Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and Experience update, enhancing its search engine credibility.
  • Google Reviews/Testimonials: Actively acquired new reviews and testimonials, bolstering the site's trustworthiness and appeal to potential customers.
  • Blog Optimisation: Optimised blog content with search intent keywords, improving relevance and search engine rankings.
  • High-Authority Backlinks: Secured backlinks from reputable websites, further strengthening the site's authority and search engine performance.
  • Core Web Vitals Improvement: Enhanced the website's core web vitals, ensuring a superior user experience and better search engine rankings.
  • Internal and External Linking: Implemented a strategic approach to internal and external linking, improving site navigation and SEO performance.

These concerted efforts have not only elevated Bathroom Eleven's online presence but also demonstrated the power of a comprehensive, multi-faceted digital marketing strategy in driving significant growth in both reach and engagement.


About the Client:

Specialising in property development, investment, and management, this company is dedicated to creating properties that meet the needs of occupants. Their services encompass a comprehensive range of property management tasks, including both asset and tenant management.

They also excel in developing bespoke business plans and providing detailed financial reporting for their projects. Their expertise extends to property investment, where they apply their extensive knowledge and experience to deliver optimal results for their clients.

Case Study:

CERT, a client who began their journey with us just a year ago, has experienced remarkable growth in their online presence, thanks to our focused SEO strategies. Initially, CERT had 320 keywords ranking, a decent start for any online endeavour.

Our team dove into a rigorous campaign of on-page SEO and link-building activities, tailored specifically to CERT's unique digital footprint and market position. The results of these efforts were nothing short of impressive. We successfully increased the number of keywords that they ranked for, to over 580, marking an astounding 180% increase.

This significant enhancement in their SEO performance not only improved their visibility on search engines but also made their services more accessible to a broader audience.

Furthermore, our strategies led to a substantial influx of new users, with CERT welcoming 14,962 new users over the past year, just through organic SEO tactics. This growth not only signifies a stronger online presence but also reflects the potential for increased business opportunities and client engagement.

Through our dedicated efforts in SEO, CERT has solidified its online standing, paving the way for continued growth and success in the competitive realm of property development and management.

Lazy Frog

About the Client:

Nestled in the heart of Wokingham, Berkshire, The Lazy Frog is a beacon of tranquillity offering authentic Thai massages. With a founder steeped in the rich tradition of Thai massage, practised both in the bustling city of London and the serene landscapes of Thailand, the establishment aims to bring a slice of this revered art form to a discerning UK clientele.

Case Study:

Embarking on a mission to bolster The Lazy Frog's digital footprint and client bookings, we embarked on a targeted Facebook ad campaign, designed to resonate with the local population and highlight the authentic Thai experience on offer. Our campaign was a blend of imagery and video content, optimised for the highest volume reach within the Wokingham vicinity. This strategic choice was underpinned by a keen focus on varied ad formats and a rigorous 'Highest Volume' bidding strategy.

The results were a testament to the campaign's precision and appeal, with a staggering reach of nearly 185,000 and over 1.2 million impressions. Out of the diverse ad sets deployed, the campaign secured a total of 428 conversions, with standout ads delivering an average cost-per-lead of £23.98, indicating a deep market penetration and an engaged audience. The campaign not only elevated The Lazy Frog’s brand visibility but also translated into significant booking increases, affirming the efficacy of our geo-targeted and content-varied approach.

Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS)

About the Client:

The Vulnerability Registration Service is all about giving a helping hand to those who need it most. They're the good guys, the non-profit crew that makes sure vulnerable individuals get a fair shake when dealing with companies and organisations. They've also got this pilot program that's like a lifeline for vulnerable households across the UK, offering them services at little to no cost.

Case Study:

The VRS team came to us with a clear goal: they wanted to reach out and get more folks on board with their services, especially through their pilot program. So, we got cracking on a Facebook campaign that was all about connecting with people's hearts and minds.

We put our heads together and launched a series of ads aimed at homeowners, knowing that a little help can go a long way. The ads were a mix of warmth and wisdom, just like VRS itself. We went for the 'Highest Volume' strategy because when you're doing good, you want to reach as many people as possible, right?

Well, it worked like a charm. We hit a reach of over 294,105 and racked up a massive 1,830,206 impressions. The best part? We got 2,723 leads! That's 2,723 individuals who might just get that bit of support they need. And the cost? Just £5.36 per lead. It's numbers like these that make you think – digital marketing can be about more than just selling; it can be about spreading the word for a great cause. So, there you have it. A campaign that didn't just meet targets, but brought real value to an organisation that's all about the greater good. And that's something to be proud of.

Mr Digital

About the Client:

Our journey started due to the frustration of chasing our tails in the marketing industry. Mr Digital was established to cut through the noise and deliver marketing that's not just clever, but effective. Fast forward to the now, and we're an international name with a trophy or two to our name, and a team of certified experts crafting marketing strategies that hit the mark. We’re all about rolling up our sleeves, diving into the data, and coming out with a strategy that fits you like a glove.

Case Study:

It's not just about having the tools; it's knowing how to use them. That's our mantra here at Mr Digital. Take a look at our web analytics from January to October for instance. Visitor numbers? Up by a whopping 420%. Pageviews? They soared 438%. And those sessions? Up 381%. Not to mention, our events skyrocketed by an eye-popping 1208%. It's like our website had a workout and came out with muscles.

But it's not just about the gains. Our bounce rate dropped by 9%, which means once folks find us, they like to stick around, and our visit duration shot up by 144%. They're not just flying by; they're pulling up a chair and getting comfy.

Our top sources show that direct traffic led the way, which says something about our brand strength. People know us, they search for us, and they come to us – no middleman is required. And those UTM sources? That's the result of some savvy email marketing, thanks to which AdWords and other platforms are bringing in the crowd.

So why do we do this? Because we've seen the other side – the world of 'maybes' and 'I reckon so'. We're here to make waves with data, not just a splash. And that's precisely what we're doing, one byte at a time.

RMR Group

About the Client:

The RMR Group is a distinguished family-run business specialising in bespoke luxury home renovation services. Catering to high-end clients across the UK, they offer a range of services including luxury kitchen extensions, ground floor extensions, comprehensive home renovations, and personalised cabinetry work.

Known for their meticulous attention to detail, the RMR Group combines expertise in interior design and construction to transform homes into exquisite living spaces tailored to individual tastes and requirements.

Case Study:

Tasked with elevating the RMR Group's SEO rankings, our six-month campaign focused on enhancing their online visibility, particularly for high-intent keywords.

By meticulously optimising 31 key terms and refining their website content, we achieved a significant leap in organic rankings. This strategic approach not only propelled 31 high-intent keywords into the top 10 search positions but also solidified the RMR Group's standing as a premier provider of luxury home renovation services in the UK.

Surbiton Dental

About the Client:

Surbiton Dental, nestled in the heart of the UK, is a renowned dental practice offering a comprehensive range of services. Focusing on functionality and aesthetics, their offerings span general dentistry, cosmetic enhancements, teeth straightening, dental implants, and facial aesthetic services.

Known for its commitment to patient care and advanced dental solutions, Surbiton Dental has established itself as a leader in dental health and cosmetic dentistry.

Case Study:

Surbiton Dental wanted to elevate its SEO rankings and amplify website traffic. Embracing this challenge, we implemented a robust SEO strategy, focusing on optimising over 4000 keywords pertinent to their dental services.

This approach was complemented by enhancing their website content and improving technical SEO. The result was a remarkable 120% increase in organic traffic within a year, firmly establishing Surbiton Dental's online presence and significantly boosting its visibility in the competitive dental industry.

Diamond Property Finance

About the Client:

Kate and Paul, the founders of the company started Diamond Property Finance with the aim of helping their clients achieve their property finance goals. With over 35 years of combined experience in the financial industry and a decade of expertise in mortgages, they have the knowledge and capability to assist a wide range of clients, from first-time buyers to established property developers.

The Case Study:

The client requested our expertise to create a website that would have a professional and family-owned business vibe. It was important for the website to appeal to a broad audience, ranging from an average person to a wealthy individual with intricate financial income sources. And that's exactly what we did when we built a website using the WordPress-Divi theme.

We designed several pages including Home, About, Services, Individual Service Page, Case Studies, an Individual Case Studies Page, a Glossary page and a Contact Us page. Each page template was created from scratch and optimised for mobile devices for improved conversion. We also included a WhatsApp Business live chat feature and managed their social media strategy. All in all, the project took a total of 3 weeks to complete from start to finish and we were well within their budget of £3,000 + VAT.


About the Client:

Merinal is a UK-based family-owned company that has been operating for more than 45 years in the plumbing, heating, and electrical industry. They are among the top merchants and online wholesalers in the UK, offering top-quality commercial and DIY products from renowned brands at highly competitive prices.

The Case Study:

When the client asked us to convert their Magneto website to Shopify for easier management, our team used the 'Warehouse' theme in Shopify and made custom modifications to meet the client's needs. We then added sections like 'My Orders' and 'Wishlist' to the 'My Account' page. Our team then improved the functionality and user experience of the site by optimising its compatibility across different browsers and devices. We also ensured that the site was SEO-ready by optimising image names and alt tags, creating custom URLs, and structuring the heading code.

To polish off this project, our in-house experts created custom fields for product filters, designed and polished a mega menu, and brought in over 3,000 products. We transformed the separate products from the previous site into variants grouped in specific collections to improve user experience. Additionally, we integrated Klaviyo into different points of the customer journey to better track metrics and improve conversion.


About the Client:

ONU is a Birmingham-based family business that started in 1994 and has two physical stores in the West Midlands. They've been in business for more than 25 years and since 2018 have expanded online to sell luxury menswear. Their stores carry a wide selection of designer clothing from well-known brands such as Gucci, Moncler, Canada Goose, Stone Island, Hugo Boss, Armani, and others.

The Case Study:

We were approached by ONU to create a new Shopify website for their e-commerce business that sells multiple designer brands. We used Shopify's North Theme and integrated their Fashion E inventory management system, allowing for product information such as SKUs, prices, and stock levels to be synced with the website. To meet the client's design expectations, we also optimised the website's performance across different devices and customised Shopify themes and apps accordingly.

We also used custom fields to create product fields and improved the site's SEO by optimising images, alt tags, URLs, and heading code structure. And most significantly, we successfully tackled the challenges of importing more than 50,000 products to the client's new Shopify website during the transition from a Visualsoft platform.

The Householder Club

About the Client:

Joining the Householder Club is free regardless of whether someone owns or rents a property or lives with others. The club provides a variety of retail and utility offers, as well as information and services. Members can use the free HHC benefits checker to determine their eligibility for government grants, seek assistance and solutions for any debt-related issues, and select from a range of insurance services such as personal, pet, and home insurance.

Members can choose between our FCA-regulated mortgage service or the conveyancing process support package when purchasing a home. The business also offers additional services and promotions like HHC broadband, mobile and tablets, as well as free legal advice to name a few.

The Case Study:

The team from Householder Club approached us with the idea of building a membership platform with discounted prices. We developed the platform for them in about 4 months and assisted with its online launch, which involved Facebook Ads and email marketing campaigns. Through these efforts, we were able to generate registrations of £8.37 per user and 306 new leads in just those 4 months. The ads were seen by 350K+ people and the cost per visit to their site was just a little over £1.00.

Our project involved more than just creating a platform and attracting members. We also provided support in converting members into leads through the analysis of user behaviour and implementation of A/B tests to enhance the user experience.

The Berkeley Hotel

About the Client:

The Berkeley Hotel is a five-star luxury hotel located in the heart of Knightsbridge in London, UK. This elegant and sophisticated hotel offers guests a range of stylish rooms and suites, each designed with the utmost attention to detail and featuring modern amenities including flat-screen TVs, Nespresso machines, and complimentary WiFi. The Berkeley also boasts an array of exceptional dining options, including Michelin-starred restaurant Marcus, as well as a rooftop pool and spa, and a selection of meeting and event spaces. Whether you're visiting London for business or pleasure, the Berkeley Hotel is the perfect place to relax and indulge in the finest hospitality the city has to offer.

Case Study:

In 2020, The Berkeley Hotel's Manager got in touch with us when they were instructed to close the hotel due to COVID. The hotel management wanted to keep their staff informed and encouraged during this challenging period, so they came up with the idea of establishing a staff website. Within a strict two-week duration, we developed the website using WordPress, enabling the hotel to interact with its staff through entertaining photos and online masterclasses.


About the Client:

SMOKO offers its clients an alternative to traditional smoking through e-cigarettes. Their aim is to provide customers with the same sensation, taste, nicotine kick, and social experience as smoking, without the harmful chemicals found in tobacco cigarettes such as tar, carbon monoxide, arsenic, and over 4,000 other chemicals known to be carcinogenic.

Case Study:

SMOKO's owner reached out to us for help in gaining new customers. After analysing their website, database and analytics, we discovered an opportunity to improve their conversion rate among current users. First, we redesigned the website using best practices. Afterwards, we focused on optimising the site for better rankings and conducting A/B tests on messaging, images, and layouts.

Additionally, we rebuilt the automated flows in Klaviyo to conduct A/B testing on subject lines, content, and templates. Our new flows generated more sales revenue compared to the previous ones.

During the initial tests, we discovered that SMOKO's current customers would buy from their website regardless of the messages or layout they encountered. This helped us concentrate on attracting non-customers and converting them into customers by improving the content and offers. Additionally, we implemented a new SEO strategy that prioritised driving traffic from the UK market, where sales were highest. As a result, we observed a remarkable rise of 233% in UK organic traffic in the first four months. At the peak of the campaign over 5,900+ people spent considerable time on the site, while 4,700+ organic searches took place.

Hearing Direct

About the Client:

This client offers advanced and affordable technology for custom hearing aids and accessories. They provide a range of products including hearing aid devices, assistive listening devices for home use, alarm clocks, amplified doorbells and phones designed specifically for individuals with hearing impairments.

Case Study:

We assisted Hearing Direct in streamlining its marketing activities and budgets into a single profit-focused strategy. We aimed to increase their revenue while reducing costs.

To improve their online presence, we made design improvements to their Shopify website and optimised it for high-intent search terms.

Furthermore, we transferred their database to Klaviyo and produced effective campaigns in both Klaviyo and Facebook Ads. Our focus was on guiding customers through the entire journey from brand awareness to conversion using our funnel approach. As a result of our efforts, our campaigns led to a 114% increase in the website conversion rate and the revenue generated by our SEO efforts went up by 15.2% compared to the previous year!

HGV Driver Training Centre

About the Client:

The HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) Driver Training Centre aims to provide its customers with a smoother process with regard to the HGV certification process. They not only offer many HGV courses but also a range of CPC courses and bespoke training and certification courses for businesses.

Case Study:

When HGV Driving Centre approached us, they were successfully generating leads using Google Ads and had tried Facebook Ads but didn’t get any conversions. They wanted to see if our data-driven approach could get different results on Facebook. Using our proven strategies, we created Facebook Ad campaigns that generated a high volume of reach and impressions at relatively low costs. For instance one of the ads we put out was seen by over 500K people and another was seen over 717K times! The cost per website visit was as low as £0.42 and the cost per lead achieved an economical $2.44 (£1.90).

Alongside our campaign management, we worked closely with their marketing and sales teams to roll out UTM tracking across all of their marketing activity and integrate the forms on their website with their Salesforce CRM so they could effectively track leads right through to conversion!

Kuna Films

About the Client:

Kuna Films specialises in creating and producing high-quality video content to help brands build their presence. Their services include producing corporate video content, branded content, event videos, animated videos, and even case study videos.

Case Study:

For a period of more than 2 years, we collaborated with Kuna Films on various tasks such as designing their website (www.kunafilms.co.uk), optimising their search engine ranking, and managing their Google Ad campaigns.

Before we began working with Kuna Films, their old website was not appearing on search engines. However, we have helped them rank on the first page for highly competitive terms such as 'motion graphics company', 'video animation London', and 'video production Surrey'. As a result, our search marketing activity has generated high-quality leads worth £10,000’s in sales revenue.

CGI Builder

About the Client:

CGI Builders creates high quality, fixed costs, computer generated images for Home Builders. They also cater to architects, property developers, and selling agents.

Case Study:

For more than 2 years, we have collaborated closely with the CGI Builder team to build an online platform using WordPress. Our challenge was to create a sophisticated platform that fulfilled design, functionality and performance requirements within a strict budget. With our effective project management, we managed to streamline the process from Adobe XD designs to quality testing. We currently work with CGI Builder to provide on-site maintenance, security updates, and new feature releases.


About the Client:

Pamtree is a bespoke CRM system we designed in Adobe XD and built in ReactJS. We helped take Pamtree from an idea and transform it into an online subscription business. The platform was designed and built by ex-network marketers and had input from more than 400 business owners from over 50 different MLM companies.

Pamtree is not just a platform, but an MLM app designed specifically for the network marketing industry and we have teamed up with expert digital marketers to create an app with a range of features designed to help each MLM business owner grow bigger, and faster.

Case Study:

This custom CRM was a complex project that took years to deliver; we started by developing a minimal viable product (MVP) and marketing it to customers so we could analyse how they interacted with it and understand what they needed. This included online behaviour analysis as well as customer focus groups.

Once we had enough data and analysis, we rebuilt the CRM from scratch with all of the new features that were requested from paying customers. This included adding a sales funnel builder, messaging tracking and recurring task management, with integrations with Stripe and MailChimp.

Peterson James

About the Client:

Peterson James & Co Ltd is a tax practice that offers various services such as tax advice and planning, general accounting, auditing, wealth management and bookkeeping. They serve individuals, small businesses, and corporate clients. Their PAYE and CIS rebate service is known for being very compliant. They also have a consultancy business that provides hands-on services to help clients grow faster.

The company offers a range of services that includes Legal, HR, Operational, Business, and Financial Consulting along with Sales training and support. They also work with clients' finance departments. Moreover, they act as an "Introducer" for other services, such as loans, mortgages, pensions, and invoice factoring, where they have obtained better terms for clients. Other services they provide include bookkeeping, payroll, general admin, invoice creation, credit control, and back office roles.

Case Study:

When Peterson James contacted us, they were looking for a LinkedIn marketing expert to help them reach business owners and create an effective lead generation strategy WITHOUT using paid ads.

We introduced them to our successful LinkedIn outreach strategy and they were impressed, so we began implementing it for their business. They had an excellent offer to promote and the outreach strategy resulted in faster-than-expected positive results. Our average connection acceptance rates were 31.64%, 1st-degree message response rates were 19.09%, and conversion rates reached 33.41%.

Good Life Gymnastics

About the Client:

Good Life Gymnastics offers a safe and enjoyable environment for children aged 3 and above to learn and develop their passion for gymnastics. They also provide school clubs, regular classes, and holiday camps in and around Surrey with excellent quality.

Case Study:

We started working with Good Life Gymnastics when they approached us to design and build their new website. We did this and they were so happy that they decided to use us for their marketing activity too! Using our data-driven approach, we have helped create a stable Facebook Ad campaign that consistently generates high-quality leads for just £12.29! And the cherry on top was that the ads were seen by almost 50K people in the short time that we ran them.

What's special about this channel strategy is that it allows Good Life Gymnastics to switch it off and on depending on how full their classes are. And it has supported the business with its growth plans as they have expanded to new locations.


About the Client:

CERT is a multi-speciality realty organisation that specialises in a mixture of property development, investment and management professionals. Their goal is to build communities and deliver properties that people want to occupy and similarly, they strive to be a community in their own right and a place where people want to work.

Case Study:

We worked with CERT to understand their target audience and create an effective lead generation strategy that took full advantage of the power of their CRM and marketing automation platform, Hubspot. We mapped out user journeys, wrote high-converting email copy and built multiple landing pages and nurtured workflows. Then we set up end-to-end tracking so we could measure each stage of the process.

Once Hubspot was ready to go, we developed Google and Facebook Ad campaigns to drive high-quality traffic to their new landing pages. These campaigns were set up to generate high-quality leads for their sales team. Using our proven strategies, we were able to reduce the cost per lead by over 68% (from an average of £142 to £44.90) within the first month!

Premiere Klasse

About the Client:

Premiere Klasse is a family-owned business that provides carpentry, plumbing, and electrical services, specialising in installing custom kitchens and bathrooms for their clients. They also offer a complete range of services from conducting technical surveys, designing the layout, providing a detailed presentation, and carrying out the installations professionally.

Case Study:

Premiere Klasse has been our client since they started their business in Hampshire a few years ago. They approached us for help in attracting more visitors to their showroom. We utilised our established techniques to create an efficient SEO plan that led them to rank in the top 5 search results of Google for their desired keywords. Consequently, they observed a surge in phone calls, inquiries, and most significantly, bathroom design and installation sales.

The client saw success in selling bathrooms and decided to expand to selling kitchens. Our team worked on improving their SEO, which resulted in them appearing on the first page of Google search results for keywords 'kitchens Basingstoke' and 'kitchen showroom Basingstoke' within a few months.

Orion Safety Belts

About the Client:

This client has been providing highly bespoke seat belt repair and replacement solutions for over 30 years now.

And they service a multitude of different vehicle builds such as buses and coaches, forklifts, roller coasters, go-karts, motorhomes and campervans, commercial vehicles, wheelchairs, taxis, aviation vehicles, racing vehicles, emergency service vehicles, and so on.

Case Study:

When they approached us, the client wanted to improve their SEO as well as increase the time their blog readers and site visitors stayed on their website. So here's what we did: we updated our SEO plan to include blogs containing high search volume keywords and topics and were able to grow organic traffic by 200%. We also helped them rank for 905 different keywords in SERP within 6 months. The result? The traffic towards blog pages also increased by 450%.

Lazy Frog

About the Client:

Nestled in the heart of Wokingham, Berkshire, The Lazy Frog is a beacon of tranquillity offering authentic Thai massages. With a founder steeped in the rich tradition of Thai massage, practised both in the bustling city of London and the serene landscapes of Thailand, the establishment aims to bring a slice of this revered art form to a discerning UK clientele.

Case Study:

This client wanted to see some quick SEO results, increased leads, and better customer retention but they didn't want the cost per conversion rate that came with Facebook Ads. Thanks to our in-house SEO experts, we were able to identify that Google Ads came at a much lower cost per conversion at only £1.71 in this case. With this information in hand, we switched tracks and focused completely on crafting a strong Google Ads campaign for them.

We set out with the aim of making the customer's online booking experience for therapy sessions as relevant and seamless as possible, while also boosting the maximum number of leads for them. Thanks to this quick pivot, we helped to achieve an amazing 690+ leads in the just past 3 months, with over 3.16K people having clicked on the ads.

Total Bathrooms

About the Client:

Total Bathrooms is a family-owned business established in Bath in 2000. Their goal is to transform every bathroom in their community by providing quality and affordable bathroom products.

Case Study:

So, when they reached out to us to help improve the website's performance, their keyword rankings, and get ahead of the competition, we got to work straight away. We combed through their website and found some technical problems with it that needed fixing, and because the site had a lot of pages, it took some time to address them all. We also improved the website's overall performance by implementing the latest backlink technique and resolving slow-loading pages.

Additionally, we reinforced the existing backlinks. As a result, the client noticed a 33% surge in new users in six months. Additionally, the percentage of people leaving their site dropped by 3.83% in that time, while the page views shot up by 42%. For their Google Ads account, we conducted seasonal sales campaigns that yielded 331 conversions at an average CPC of £0.42.

Twist London

About the Client:

This client is an event planning and management service provider that is well-known. They have experience hosting events in many different venues and locations, including everything from weathered chateaus in rural France to the top floor of The Shard. They also have a diverse range of services available, including weddings, private parties, business events, team building events, virtual events, and public events.

Case Study:

They approached us for assistance in running a Google Ads campaign that would improve their click-through rate (CTR), and the return on ad spend (ROAS), and create a set of targeted ads to reach their target audience. With the help of our in-house SEO and marketing experts, we were able to achieve these goals. The client saw a significant improvement in their ROAS, conversions, and CTR, with the new ads performing nearly 100% better than before. To ensure the campaign was optimised, we created and tested various ad variations.

The result? We helped them achieve a CTR improvement of 6.14%, with 331 new conversions in just a few months. The site also saw nearly 5k new visitors in that same time frame.

CERT Property

About the Client:

This client is experienced in the various aspects of property such as development, investment, and management. They handle real estate projects from acquisition to development and management, with a focus on creating living and working spaces. Additionally, they create customised business plans for each project they take

Case Study:

So, when they approached us to create a digital marketing plan to improve the results of their past Google and Facebook Ads campaigns, we began the work to create a customised plan for them. They wanted services such as paid marketing, Google Ads, Facebook/Instagram Ads, CROs, SEO, sales funnels, email marketing, web design, email campaigns, landing pages, and email journeys. They aimed to attract ex-pat investors interested in purchasing rental investment properties in Manchester.

They also requested marketing support to help their in-house team. We assisted them in producing top-notch leads for their UK and overseas development projects. Specifically, we acquired 1,100+ leads from Facebook and generated 300+ leads from Google Ads. The Ads themselves were seen by over 560k people and made over 1.3 million impressions at a low cost of £3.38.

Additionally, we create monthly industry insight reports that include competitor analysis, mystery shopping reports, and weekly press releases.


About the Client:

The Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS) is a non-profit organisation that assists individuals with special circumstances that must be considered by the companies or organisations they interact with. They also launched a pilot program in various regions across the UK, which provides VRS members with a convenient way to sign up for additional services that are either free or offered at a discount for vulnerable households.

Case Study:

Here’s what we did for them:

We created a lead generation campaign on Facebook to target homeowners in Darlington, UK for our client. This campaign was successful in generating 208 new leads for £16.15 per lead. To make the campaign more effective, we also made a unique landing page for the Facebook campaign along with a custom chatbot that collected not only basic lead information but also details that helped filter leads in the initial stage.

The ads were seen by over 370k people and made over 1 million impressions throughout the campaign.

One of the Largest Enforcement Companies in the UK

About the Client:

This company offers ethical court order enforcement and corporate debt recovery services through various specialised businesses. They have an extensive network of trained enforcement agents and work with more than 280 local authorities and central government departments to retrieve unpaid debts and fines on behalf of the taxpayer.

Case Study:

They asked us to help them find new customers for their agency, so we came up with a plan. We built a WordPress platform and landing pages for Facebook and Google Ads. We also made ads for Facebook and Google and even made a TV ad for their enforcement agency.

With this all-inclusive approach, we helped them attract great new customers and find the right people to grow their network of enforcement agents in the country. We were able to help them generate over 1,100 leads within 7 months, just through their Facebook Ads campaign, at a cost of only £10.30 per lead. The ads were seen by over 370k people and made over 1.2 million impressions over the course of the campaign. It should also be noted that the page views and time spent on the site went up by 100%. Additionally, the site saw increased traffic of 27k new visitors during those months.

Healthy Home Solutions

About the Client:

HHS is a client running an initiative to improve the homes of energy-inefficient and vulnerable households. They have been working for more than a decade to create awareness of available solutions, funding, and products to promote healthier homes. HHS also creates a customisable way to identify and connect with households that can benefit from housing associations, local authorities, managing agents, partners or government initiatives.

Case Study:

They contacted us and wanted help creating and setting up an effective Facebook campaign to generate leads. The campaign we set up was successful in generating 50 leads in just one month, at a cost of £12.38 per lead. Additionally, we created a landing page for the campaign and incorporated a custom chatbot to collect leads.

The aim was to target homeowners in Darlington, UK to enhance the brand's local presence. As a result of our efforts, the ads were seen by over 16k people and made over 50k impressions in just a month.