Hearing Direct

Increased website conversion rate by 114% and boosted SEO revenue by 15.2% for Hearing Direct through integrated digital marketing

The challenge

Hearing Direct, a provider of hearing aids and assistive listening devices, wanted to streamline their marketing activities, increase revenue and reduce costs.

The solution

Mr Digital implemented a profit-focused digital marketing strategy that included:

  • Shopify Website Optimisation: Improved the design and functionality of their Shopify website, optimising it for high-intent search terms to attract qualified traffic.
  • Database Migration and Email Marketing: Transferred their database to Klaviyo and created effective email campaigns to nurture leads and drive conversions.
  • Facebook Advertising: Developed and managed targeted Facebook Ads campaigns to reach potential customers and increase brand awareness.
  • Full-Funnel Marketing: Guided customers through the entire journey, from brand awareness to conversion, using a strategic funnel approach.

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Success Rally

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About our client
Hearing Direct

Hearing Direct is a leading online retailer of hearing aids, accessories and hearing solutions, offering affordable and high-quality products directly to customers. With expert advice, free hearing checks and a wide range of devices, Hearing Direct empowers individuals to improve their hearing and quality of life with confidence and ease.

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